About Us

Qui nous sommes et ce que nous produisons

Nous sommes un réseau d’indépendants riches de notre diversité, unis par la passion de transmettre une expérience et des savoirs qui créent la différence.

Les cours et services que nous proposons ont été choisis et développés sur la base d’une conviction forte, celle de vous apporter un apprentissage utile, agréable et de la meilleure qualité.


Who We Are and What We Do

We are a network of professionals rich in diversity. We are united by a passion to pass on experience and knowledge that makes a difference.

The courses and services we offer have been chosen and developed on the basis of a strong belief in providing you with useful, enjoyable and high quality learning.

“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.” Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.”

Léon Parez
Co Founder and Ceo
Our Core Values

Why Effizen works so well

Lire, analyser, communiquer, résoudre, créer… l’apprentissage est plus efficace (effi-) dans la bonne humeur (-zen)

Reading, analysing, communicating, solving, creating… learning is more efficient (effi-) when you are in a good mood (-zen)

Personalized learning

Effizen vous propose le meilleur de ses formations, coaching et conseils.


Effizen offers you its best training, coaching and tips.

Trusted content

Nos cours sont affinés par des années d’expérience

en entreprises et institutions européennes.


Our courses are refined through years of experience in

European Institutions and Companies.


Result-oriented Approach

Si vous n’êtes pas satisfait.e.s par un cours après une semaine,

nous vous le remboursons.


If you are not satisfied with a course after one week,

we will refund your money.

Great Place to Learn

Vous relèverez vos défis professionnels avec plus de facilité et de plaisir.


Meeting your professional challenges becomes easy and enjoyable.

About the Certification Programme: "Over the course of the 8 years of this programme, Léon-Philippe Parez has delivered 7 training modules representing around 57 days of facilitation. The programme has always been very highly rated by candidates with overall satisfaction rates of about 97%."
My dear Léon-Philippe, It has been a great pleasure to work with you and if ever I need your excellent teaching skills again in a future role that I might hold I will be sure to call upon you.
I have worked with Leon-Philippe for 10 years now. He has always impressed me with his dedication, professionalism and complete commitment and loyalty. It is a pleasure to work with him.

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